My story with clock changing

              Hi everyone,a few days ago i was supriced when i took look at my watch and the time was wrong this is not the first that this happen but it happen before with my battery watch but not with my phone watch then when check my other phone was the same that make my fell weird but when i asked my roommate he start laughing at me because he been here for almost tow years so he know the drill, then he told my welcome to the winter time and explain to me about the clock chaining.

in my country we don’t have such thing like this.

and in my opinion this is stupid thing because people will get confused about it like what happen with my. 

i think that is silly thing because what an hour will change nothing much if you ask me. 

  but maybe to other people its huge different i guess that why they change it.

2 thoughts on “My story with clock changing

  1. Reblogged this on ALZAHRANI MANSOUR and commented:
    Hi Omar,
    I like your story and it was funny. Some new saudi students surprised about change our o’clock one hour back, I explained them why people in the USA change their o’clock because the winter comes and save electricity. A lot of people believe that is good idea because their children need more social hours.
    Now, some mobile change o’clock automatically. Are you still don’t like change time one hour back?
    Have a good night buddy

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